TLH at the Department of Animal Services
The City of Los Angeles Department of Animal Services shares their experience with hiring through the Targeted Local Hire Program - meet Nicole George-Head!
Nicole George-Head
TLH Celebrates 2nd Year Anniversary

On February 26, 2019, the City Council recognized the Targeted Local Hire Program and celebrated its second year anniversary.
Council members Marqueece Harris-Dawson, Paul Krekorian, and Paul Koretz congratulated the Honorable Jackie Goldberg, the Coalition of City Unions, members of the Targeted Local Hire Working Group, and the Personnel Department for their efforts towards development and implementation of the program. Nine (9) partner WorkSource Centers were also recognized for their tireless work: El Proyecto, Goodwill, JVS, Harbor Gateway, PACE, UAW-LETC, Canoga Park, MCS Hollywood, and Vernon Central LATTC. In particular, UAW-LETC was recognized for its work in Councilmember Harris-Dawson's district (CD 8).
Over the past two years, over 500 people have been hired through the Targeted Local Hire Program and are now employees of the City.
Thank you to our City departments that chose to hire through the Program! We look forward to seeing what another year will bring.
TLH at the Library Department
The City of Los Angeles Library Department shares their experience with hiring through the Targeted Local Hire Program - meet Maria Ramos and Virgil Mims!
Maria Ramos
Virgil Mims